There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity...” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
It seems impossible it has been over 9 years ago, July 24, 2014 to be exact, that Denise and I drove into Bourbonnais, Illinois to be interviewed by our District Advisory Committee. We have been privileged to tackle a number of district issues together focusing on developing leaders, resourcing pastors and churches and planting new churches. Our lives among you have been such a joy! 
Denise and I both sense we are now moving into the next season of our lives where more time and attention could be given to our district by the next leader. The Holy Spirit has made clear that He is guiding us to retire from the superintendency at our next District Assembly, April 12-13, 2024
We shared this with both Dr. Sunberg and Dr. Reeder several months ago and Dr. Sunberg will be joining the DAC by zoom on August 19th at 9:15 a.m. for her first meeting with them.  Manual paragraph 239 makes clear in a DS transition, the District Advisory Committee (District Advisory Board plus District Secretary, District Treasurer, NMI President, NYI President and NDI Chairperson) work with the General Superintendent (Dr. Carla Sunberg) and Regional Director (Dr. Stan Reeder). 
When God led us into the superintendency, He gave us a scripture promise from Psalm 32:8.  “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.”  “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Both Denise and I know this is the right decision and right time, both for us and for the future of our wonderful district. 
While we are excited for the future, at the same time we find ourselves also anxious. Change is not easy.  We love the Chicago Central District. We SO appreciate each of you as a team of leaders and all of the memories we have made with you! We are also so thankful for every one of the multiple district team members we have who serve so unselfishly in their district roles. 
In a number of other denominations or independent churches, there can be instability when it comes to leadership transition. One of the great benefits of being part of a connectional church like the Church of the Nazarene is the stable way we operate in superintendent transition. Dr. Sunberg will guide our transition process and Dr. Reeder will serve as her designee. We have no doubt there are wonderful days ahead for you and for the Chicago Central District! You are loved more than you know.

Larry McKain, Superintendent
Chicago Central District
Church of the Nazarene