No one from the east or the west or from the desert can exalt a leader, but It is God…
(Psalm 75:6-7)
Then they prayed, ‘Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen.’” (Acts 1:24)
Psalm 75 was written by David's worship leader. He had watched God place David in his position of leadership responsibility through the human process of the tribes of Israel coming to Hebron and the people’s involvement (2 Samuel 5:1-5; 1 Chronicles 11:1-3). But even though a human process was used, there was no doubt in everyone’s mind that God was the one who had selected David (2 Samuel 5:2).
In the book of Acts, when there was a leadership selection process needed, the early church followed a similar set of spiritual principles. They understood they did not want to choose the leader; they needed God to choose the leader. This is why the prayer of early church leaders was, “show us Lord, which of these two you have chosen” (Acts 1:24). The process of decision-making they used was total dependance on God alone! Combined with that was prayer and a clear dependence on the Holy Spirit to guide the church every step of the way. 
The spirit of their decision-making was always in the forefront of their thinking, especially when the decisions were big. At the first Jerusalem council, the Scriptures tell us, “the apostles and elders, with the whole church,” crafted an important letter which set the tone of their decision-making process – “it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to all of us” (Acts 1:28). 
Our General Superintendent, Dr. Carla Sunberg, will be meeting with our District Advisory Committee (par 239), to set up the process we will follow over the coming months as our district begins searching for its next superintendent. We have no doubt the same God who guided both David and God’s people in the Old Testament and guided the early church will also guide us in these days.  
[If for some reason you did not read last week’s e-newsletter, the Holy Spirit has made clear to Denise and I that He is guiding us to retire from the superintendency at our next District Assembly, April 12-13, 2024]. Our General Superintendent (Dr. Carla Sunberg) will guide our transition process and our Regional Director (Dr. Stan Reeder) will serve as her designee. We have no doubt there are wonderful days ahead for you and for the Chicago Central District!  You are loved more than you know.

Larry McKain, Superintendent
Chicago Central District
Church of the Nazarene